Day Care Program

4 to 6 years old
Facilitating great multicultural environment for extending of verbal intelligence and social/emotional respect of each other cultural belongings. Pretending dramatic play familiar experiences cooperation with friends.


Mental math with ability to memorize and structure in child brain stimulating creativity and spatial intelligence. Expose, interact, initiate, learn discipline and self regulations, language receptivity and expressions contributing to the "whole developed child"
Visual , movement and music playing big role in children development, by extending their sensor motor, listening, movements become more in tact with the music and create imaginary thinking abilities In multilingual environment building focused concentration, attention,comprehension and cognitive development dealing with thinking, problem solving, intelligences and languages.
Stimulating learn and play repetitive environment or familiar environment focus on languages spoken , offer phonetic systematically with letters and sounds and spelling words.

The basic building blocks of reading, writing, math, and science are key in kindergarten, so we make sure they get lots of practice in all of these areas. Our curriculum is rich in science and math concepts that help inspire children's natural curiosity!

Working as a team, kids think creatively and critically to solve problems. This approach helps them develop collaboration and communication skills they'll need in grade school.